Tuesday, November 22, 2011
hey guys...its really been a while lol ^____^ (innocent!). The usual is going on.... school.homework.eat.sleep.repeat! Nothing entirely is new, because i have always been busy with something. The plans i had going to san fran were canceled sometimes, because i had to attend family functions :( but they were "fun" in a way! ill try to get in a haul from black Friday! I remember i used to do that on my old blog, and it was fun! so i will try it again. I went shopping yesterday and got shoes, shirts, a new journal (other one ran out of pages) and earrings. I didnt want to spend a lot because i wanted to save a couple hundred dollars for black Friday! im going at 3am to urban outfitters (for my brother), but im gonna go stand in line @ H&M!!! they open at 5am, and the first 100 get scratchers! i remeber anchor blue did that once, and i got two free pairs of jeans!!!!!!!!! they were like $50 each...but ill post pictures of what i got yesterday :)))