New years, a time for joy and laughter, and joining with family! This year i made my new years special, because i got to spend it with someone i never have before! One of my cousins came over! She used to live in new York, but just moved its my job to help get her away from that city life! And join the quite, and boredom lifestyle jk. We played a lot of video games and ate pizza!! Then we watched a New Years special and made fun of people ( i feel bad for the lady whose kiss was rejected when the countdown went down), another lady started cheering when the clock was at 11:00, because her watch was back one hour!!! ahahah how funnuh!Anyways guys this new year, was different, because i drank hot chocolate, and fell asleep! I never go to sleep during new years eve evening! I mean i was knocked out, but i woke up, when the ball was about to fall in NYC! and 5,4,3,2,1 New years! Then i went to sleep again after 2 hrs of celebrating January 1! ZZZZZzzzZZZZ...! I wanted to tell you guys of the aching practice i had earlier that day, that made me so sleepy!!! We ran, ran, until i couldn't anymore! tiring! Another thing was that i helped my dad cook, this Indian dish! Which was yummy, but i lot of potato peeling ^____^.
What is your New Years resolution~ My cousin!
I want to do a lot of thing this year, including traveling to japan! Because i have never been their, and i really want to go! their customs, temples, and landmarks look so beautiful! I wish to go their and visit many places....i even made a top ten list! that's how desperate i am! Another thing i want to help! I want to help others less fortunate and others who don't get what i do, and others who deserve many things but don't have the support. This makes me feel good, because everyone and everything deserves a home, so help me and the world discover new things! Thanks guys have a very happy new year! here are 2 places i would love to visit!